Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Romantic Love and Pre-Commitment

Love figures in a big way in everyone’s lives. Some dream about it, some romanticize it and others deny it. But it is an always in vogue topic of discussion. Though the one ‘right’ person theory might be a myth but that does not mean that there is not more than one right person for you.

So how does one define that all encompassing ‘right’ factor in a partner? Well it might be defined as a kind of compatibility, which allows you to flourish and thrive in each other’s company. It is probably the quality, which makes it a solid team, where it is not the individual but the final end, which matters.

Such bonds are established on far stronger stuff than mere attraction, though this is a large and significant part of it. It is rather based on simple facts of common ideals, dreams and beliefs.
There has always been a tendency to exalt the entire notion of love in all mediums, literature, television or theatre.

But this entirely focuses that early phase of devotion passion and jubilation. But this stage in real life is short in duration as soon the high is gone and matters more practical have to be handled.

So, if one mistakes this initial stage of exhilarating romantic moments for the actual deal then it can lead to the downfall of the relationship. But this romantic phase serves a good purpose in reminding and holding exemplary importance regarding the potential that this relationship can possess when bad times are nigh. Today happiness has become such a sort after commodity that people will do and believe anything for that. They will agree to any terms so that they never have to feel pain, be hurt or get disappointed. That is why they are ready to jump at and grab any clauses that prevent these in their relationships, and make them work anyhow.

That is why so many people today are in a pre-committed state where they are not married but are going out only with each other. This makes sure that no matter what, they have the right to exclusivity with each other, but if it does not work out, they are free to go their own ways without dealing with an otherwise messy divorce.

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