Thursday 18 March 2010

10 Deadly Relationship Mistakes That Cause Breakups

Mistake #4 – Settling Into A Routine Too Quickly

If you would like a relationship to last, then something you should always remember is to not settle into a routine too quickly.

A quick way to kill the excitement in your relationship and be well on your way to a breakup (or infidelity) is by settling into a boring routine by doing things such as:

- Always doing the same things for dates.
- Always going to the same restaurants.
- Always going to the same places.
- Always meeting on a certain day at a certain time…week after week.
- Always saying the same things to your partner.
- Always doing the same things to your partner.

Etc, etc, etc. You get the idea!

As tempting it may be to settle down and stay within your comfort zone so that you never have to take any risks with your partner, try to keep things exciting so that there are times when you don’t know what will happen on a date because you “have never been there” before. Try to keep things fresh and exciting and do something “new” at least once a month.

Your relationship may depend on it!

Here are some ideas:
1) Try to go to different places for dates.
2) Go to different restaurants and try different foods. Don’t order the same dish every time.
3) Don’t always meet on the same days of the week at the same time.
4) Be playful and continue to be a challenge.
5) Don’t take your partner for granted.
6) Be creative when you make out.
7) Have little surprises.

Keep things exciting, and you won’t be able to keep yourselves off each other. Keep things the same all the time, and eventually the chemistry will drop and the relationship will die.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think dating Christian men are ideal? Well, you may change your mind after discovering these five common errors that they make in relating to women.


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